Made in England by Mullard.
Closed Getter version. Better than O-Getter.
Nos in original box. Matched pair are available.
Made in Holland by Amperex.
O-Getter version. Good tubes.
Nos in original box. Matched pair are available.
Made in USA by Western Electric.
Ceramic base. Muddy black plate. Bottom Pan-Getter
Nos, never been used but no box. Matched pair are available.
Made in USA by Sylvania.
Muddy black plate.
This is special triode ever made.
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Used but test as new and matched. No box. Matched pair are available.
Made in USA by Western Electric.
Muddy black plate, Engrave base. The best of Triode.
Characteristics and Typical Operation similar to 45 but use 7 Volts filament.
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Nos, never been used but no box. Matched pair are available.
Made in USA by RCA (1960s).
Muddy black plate, Triple mica and Double D-Getter with five supports.
Most of muddy black plate version are made by RCA.
Very warm sweet sound, great on voices and jazz. Long life tube (10.000 hours)
Nos in original box. Matched pair are available.